SILICEA (Silicic Acid) The epidermis of wheat and other cereals contain Silicea. Eating whole grain products provides the normal need for this mineral-salt. Silicea suits the person whose connective tissues

NATRUM SULPHURICUM (Sodium Sulphate) Natrum Sulph appears in the intercellular fluids. It eliminates the superfluous water formed during the retrogressive metamorphosis of the cells; it removes metabolic wastes, de-toxicates the

NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM (SODIUM PHOSPHATE) Natrum Phos creates water and removes acid condition of the blood and cures diseases which are caused by acidity. It is anti-acid. It cures sour belching,

NATRUM MURIATICUM (Sodium Chloride) Human body is composed of about 70% water which will be useless if there is deficiency of Natrum Mur. It is a constituent of fluids and

MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA (Magnesium Phosphoricum) Molecules of phosphate of magnesia exist in the white fibers of the nerves and muscles of the human body primarily, and are controlled by the molecular

KALI SULPHURICUM (POTASSIUM SULPHATE) Kali Sulph is found in the cells and in the intercellular fluids, muscles, nerves, epithelium and in the blood corpuscles. Its deficiency causes a yellow slimy

KALI PHOSPHORICUM (POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE; CHIEF NERVE SALT) Bio-chemic treatment is the outcome of the doctrines of Biochemistry. Brain is the principal centre of sensation, thought, volition, feelings, and consciousness. ‘THE

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