ZIZIA AUREA Meadow Parsnip (THASPIUM AUREUM – ZIZIA) Hysteria, epilepsy, chorea, hypochondriasis, come within the sphere of this remedy. Mind.–Suicidal; depressed; laughing and weeping moods alternate. Head.–Pressure on top, in

ZINGIBER OFFICINALE Ginger (ZINGIBER) States of debility in the digestive tract, and sexual system and respiratory troubles, call for this remedy. Complete cessation of function of kidneys. Head.–Hemicrania; sudden glimmering

ZINCUM VALERIANICUM Valerinate of Zinc (ZINCUM VALERIANUM) A remedy for neuralgia, hysteria, angina pectoris, and other painful affections, notably in ovarian affections. Epilepsy without aura. Hysterical heart-pain. Facial neuralgia, violent in left temple and inferior maxillary.

ZINCUM METALLICUM Zinc (ZINC) The provings picture cerebral depression. The word “fag” covers a large part of zinc action. Tissues are worn out faster than they are repaired. Poisoning from

YUCCA FILAMENTOSA Bear-grass So-called bilious symptoms, with headache. Despondent and irritable. Head.–Aches as if top of head would fly off. Arteries of forehead throb. Nose red. Face.–Yellow; tongue yellow, coated,

YOHIMBINUM Coryanthe Yohimbe Excites sexual organs and acts on central nervous system and respiratory center. An aphrodisiac, used in physiological doses, but contraindicated in all acute and chronic inflammations of

XEROPHYLLUM Tamalpais Lily, Basket Grass Flower Should prove curative in eczematous conditions, poison-oak, early typhoid states, etc. Mind.–Dull, cannot concentrate mind for study; forgets names; writes last letters of words first;